The spirit of OLD TOWN ZAGREB
More infos and news about great town of Zagreb and Carpe Diem

[:hr] Kad stignete na Trg Bana Jelačića preko Dolca nastavite 100 metara. When arriving … Ask for “Dolatz” and walk another 100 meters direction NORTH. 🙂 [:en] When arriving … Ask for “Dolatz” and walk another 100 meters direction NORTH. 🙂 [:]

Zagreb Facts
Zagreb – city with a million hearts The city of Zagreb, capital of Croatia, on the historic and political threshold between East and West, illustrates both the continental and Mediterranean spirit of the nation it spearheads. Zagreb is the cultural, scientific, economic, political and administrative centre of the Republic of…

The popularity and widespread availability of beer in Zagreb goes without saying, but with the emergence of small craft breweries over the past few years, the scene has really flourished. Nowadays, beer lovers can choose from a whole range of beer genres and styles, as well as a…
Welcome to the heart of Zagreb. Follow map.
Kad stignete na Trg Bana Jelačića preko Dolca nastavite 100 metara.
When arriving … Ask for “Dolatz” and walk another 100 meters direction NORTH. 🙂
When arriving … Ask for “Dolatz” and walk another 100 meters direction NORTH. 🙂